Generation Dry

Pierre Chauffour|2022|26 min

Version [FR] / [EN] Come with us to discover what is dry-tooling through world class athletes and astonishing routes all over the Alps, including a historical route in the North Face of the Drus.


It is a fact that our winters are less and less cold. Therefore it is harder and harder to get the conditions for ice-climbing. Fortunately, man adapts to his environment and makes progress: this is how dry-tooling was born. This movie will make you discover this discipline: its history, its evolution and the current practice. You will also see how much excitement dry tooling can bring. Dry-tooling now allows to free-climb some routes which were impossible to climb without aid in the past.

To make this documentary worth it, we have spent two intense years of filming. From Chamonix to Italy, but also in Grenoble and in so many other places… we traveled a lot. We were looking for the most astonishing routes, awesome landscapes. Even though you may not be a climber, we wanted to make a film that you will enjoy watching.

In fact, this movie is not just about dry-tooling, but it also aims at showing the many dimensions of the mountains, through the multiple aspects of current alpine winter mountaineering. It is the history of the evolution of the alpine practice through dry-tooling.

So just grab a seat, some popcorn… and enjoy the film!





Directed By
Pierre Chauffour
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