Dawn of A New Day

GOLDEN Pyra Creative Productions|2014|United States|62 min

In 1901, at the start of a new century, the most influential voices to bring about social that ended up changing history and society towards a new Day.


In 1901, at the turn of the century, presented new promise of hope and potential continuing compromise for the newly freed Negro man in the land of the free. The most prevailing voice during time of greatest opportunity in changing society was R. W.E.B Du Bois in the quest for equality for improving conditions in advanced education, economics, and housing and along with civil rights timeline. The screenplay written and Directed by Nichel Anderson.




Drama, Documentary

Directed By
Nichel Anderson
Cast and Crew
Nichel Anderson
Nichel Anderson
Andreas Roffler
Makeup Artist
Jeris Farmer
Costume Design Assistant
Terrica Porter
Costume Designer
Sheri Anderson
Line Producer
Matthew Thompson
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